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A journey into the heart of the Maasai Warriors

Fashion is avant-garde, just like a movie. You set a tone, you have the opportunity to change people. Most of them buy an image. But “sustainability” is not an image, it is a lifestyle. Stella McCartney did it and that is why I have a couple of pair of her “vegan shoes”. Pikolinos is another trendsetter. With Eco Fashion, you are forced to consider your whole lifestyle and lifecycle analysis, from the people who plant the cotton, the ones who harvest it to the other ones who make the products. If everyone is shown respect, consumers will feel better.

A simple way to decide whether a fashion label is “fair or not” is not to look just for the traditional fairness labelling and obvious logos. In my opinion, the body’s intelligence is an indicator that will measure if fashion labels have fully embraced today’s awareness. The skin is the largest organ of the body through which we breathe – it can feel when something is genuine. Fairness is not only trendy it is also good for the earth that will remain healthy when not inundated with herbicides and pesticides.

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sustainable planet

film festival barhain

Sustainable Planet is the international film festival that promotes sustainable development. Launched in 2005, it is the first platform where moviemakers meet with for-profit and non-profit organizations as well as experts. Our database contains more than 300 films from…

sustainable planet

Sustainability Week Belgium

Sustainability Week is a weeklong event that motivates an international community to take a part in the development of a sustainable planet. The activities generate a conscious consumerism and this production is currently available in both the USA and…